The Queer Covid Archives´ mission

The main goal of this project is to protect unevaluable experiences from the pandemic that threatens to get lost if it does not manage. Our aim is to chart how the pandemic affected queer identities and develop an international digital archive to make these stories accessible.

We believe that it is very important that the testimonies come directly from the individuals or organizations within the community and want to approach the target group and their need to tell their own stories. The main target group is persons of all ages that live and identify themselves within the LGBTQ-movement. Persons who carry experiences of living outside the heterosexual normativity because of their sexual orientation or gender expression or/if by their gender identity does not fit into the binary gender confirmation system.

Do you have experiences to share?

How to share your experience


To create an alive archive the idea is to mix different medium and make it as easy for you to share your story and experience with other queers. The medium to do so is the four channels which follows;

  • – Text: the stories can be sent in as a text via e-mail for instance
  • – Audio: stories can be sent in as an audio file as an mp3. for instance
  • – Video: stories can be sent in via different video formats
  • – Photograph: a picture can be send in as a jpeg. or a png-file
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